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Corporate Social Responsibility

63,99 €

Taschenbuch - Inkl. gesetzlicher MwSt. Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 17. März 2022 13:27
Erscheinungsdatum11 Dezember, 2013
Abmessung24,2/16,2/2,5 cm

Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies for 21st Century Leaders

In today’s global business environment it is no longer acceptable that a corporation does well simply by doing good. It is expected. With increasing pressures from stakeholders to improve the bottom line as well as to be good corporate citizens, business leaders face tough decisions. What social issues should we support? What initiatives should we develop that will do the most good for the company as well as the cause? Do we include social messages in our advertising, encourage our employees to volunteer, do we modify our business practices? How do we integrate a new initiative into current strategies? These and other challenges will continue to face future leaders. This book provides thoughtful answers to these important questions, and to many more. The book offers suggestions on how to choose among major worthy causes and also how to measure the amount of good achieved both for the recipients and the companies themselves. Of course, all is not only about challenges, there are loads of opportunities that go along with them but it’s only responsible and sustainable leaders who would be able to spot these opportunities. That is the future which awaits 21st century leaders.

Erscheinungsdatum11 Dezember, 2013
Abmessung24,2/16,2/2,5 cm

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