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Towards a Circular Economy

135,99 €

Gebundenes Buch - Inkl. gesetzlicher MwSt.
Autor*in, ,
Erscheinungsdatum27 April, 2022
Abmessung23,5/15,5 cm

Transdisciplinary Approach for Business

This volume presents a transdisciplinary approach to implementing a circular economy in international business. Written by global experts, this book provides a detailed and professional focus on issues that must be improved in order to successfully implement a circular economy in a variety of industries.

The book begins with a discussion of the theoretical aspects of circular economy and the challenges of going from theory to practice. The following chapters present case studies on the circular economy in different sectors of international business such as food systems, mineral processing, water management, energy process, waste management, the cement industry, and 3D printing. Issues such as the role of SMEs in the circular economy, and the progress towards circular economy 3.0, and strategies for teaching the circular economy are also discussed. The volume ends with a critique of the concept of circular economy and suggestions for future research avenues.

Written with multiple stakeholders in mind, this volume will be of interest to researchers and students of economics, sustainability, international business, and management as well as industry professionals and governments working towards establishing a circular economy in their fields and jurisdictions.

Erscheinungsdatum27 April, 2022
Abmessung23,5/15,5 cm

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135,99 €

Gebundenes Buch - Inkl. gesetzlicher MwSt.